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Yes to fruity colors on the nails !


Yes to fruity colors on the nails !

Nails have become a veritable field of artistic and creative expression. With a multitude of trends emerging regularly, it is sometimes difficult to choose the style that best suits our personality. In this article, we are going to highlight a trend that is on the rise: fruity colors on the nails. Forget the classic shades and dare to be bold with bright and vibrant shades!

Nails that overflow with vitality

The fruity colors are a real breath of fresh air for your nails. They bringa touch of joy and vitality to your hands. Imagine radiant nails, adorned with shades inspired by the most colorful fruits: the intense red of a juicy strawberry, the bright yellow of a ripe mango, or the bright green of a crunchy apple. These colors evoke nature, freshness and joie de vivre. By opting for fruity colors, you will not go unnoticed!

Bright and delicious shades!

A rainbow of possibilities

The beauty of fruity colors lies in their diversity. You can choose from a wide palette of shades, ranging from the brightest to the most pastel. Raspberries, oranges, kiwis, pineapples, cherries and more are all fruits that can inspire your next nail polish choices. Let your imagination run wild and combine different colors for an even bolder effect.

Harmonious combinations

To obtain an aesthetic and harmonious result, it is important to choose the right color combinations. Consider pairing complementary shades, which are opposite each other on the color wheel. For example, purple and yellow, red and green, or blue and orange are color duos that harmonize perfectly. You can also play with gradients by using different shades of the same color. The goal is to create a balanced composition that is pleasing to the eye.

Fruity patterns for more fantasy

If you want to go even more daring, why not add patterns to your manicure? Fruit patterns are very trendy and allow you to personalize your style even more. You can make them using stencils, stickers or even freehand if you are good at drawing. Cherries, pineapple, watermelon or lemons, the possibilities are endless. Let your creativity run free and have fun creating unique and original patterns.

Trendy and dynamic all the way!

Taking care of your colored nails

When you opt for fruity colors on your nails, taking care of them is essential to prolong the life of your manicure. Apply a clear base before applying polish to protect your nails and prevent discoloration. Also be sure to apply two coats of polish for better color intensity. Once your manicure is complete, seal it with a layer of top coat for optimal hold.

To preserve the shine of your colored nails, avoid aggressive gestures such as contact with chemicals or excessive use of water. Wear gloves when doing household chores and use moisturizer to nourish your cuticles and nails.

When you want to remove your nail polish, opt for a gentle remover without acetone. This will prevent your nails from drying out and weakening them. Don't forget to let your nails breathe between two varnish applications by taking regular breaks.

The importance of good preparation

Before applying your fruity colors, it is essential to prepare your nails. Start by cleaning and filing them to obtain an even shape. Gently push back the cuticles using a wooden stick to clear the outline of your nails. Then, lightly buff the surface of your nails to help the polish adhere.

Apply a clear primer to protect your nails and prolong the wear of your polish. Once this step is done, you can finally let your creativity speak by applying your favorite fruity colors.

Fruity nails for all occasions

The fruity colors on the nails are perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to your look, whether it's everyday or for special occasions. They bring freshness and good humor to your style. Do not hesitate to match them with your summer outfits, your make-up or your accessories for a perfect harmony.

Combining fruity colors well

Dare fruity colors on your nails!

Fruit colors on the nails are a bold and original trend that allows you to express your personality and creativity. With a palette of vibrant shades and a multitude of possible combinations, you have the freedom to explore and innovate to achieve unique and radiant results.

Different nail polishes are also a great way to keep up with the seasons. In summer, opt for bright and vibrant hues reminiscent of juicy fruits and refreshing cocktails. In autumn, favor warmer and deeper tones, such as burnt oranges and spicy reds.

In winter, fruity colors bring a touch of cheerfulness and color on gray and cold days. And in spring, be inspired by the pastel shades of flowers in full bloom. Whatever the season, fruity colors on nails are a bold and fun choice to show off your unique style.

Remember to take care of your nails and prepare them properly before applying your favorite fruity colors. Take advantage of this trend to bring a touch of vitality and fantasy to your hands, whether on a daily basis or for special occasions.

So, dare to use fruity colors on your nails and let them become real works of art to take with you everywhere!