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Posted in : "2022 - August"

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  • How do you sublimate your tan with makeup ?
    How do you sublimate your tan with makeup ?

    You’ve been perfecting your tan for a few weeks now, by going to the beach, swimming, or exposing yourself to the sun. Now that you have a beautiful golden tan, you want to enhance this natural glow and enhance it before it disappears. With the right products, makeup can be an effective way to maintain your summer tan, magnify it and keep it going.

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  • What to Pack in a Vacation Beauty Kit ?
    What to Pack in a Vacation Beauty Kit ?

    Whether you’re going away for a weekend or an extended stay, taking the right beauty products can make all the difference. To avoid overburdening yourself unnecessarily, there are several things to consider when preparing your cosmetic kit. In addition to essential products such as shower gel, deodorant and toothpaste, we must think about the care of the skin, body and face, hair, as well as makeup and accessories.

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  • What nail polish colours in summer ?
    What nail polish colours in summer ?

    Summer is the season of bright, vibrant hues and nail polish is no exception. There are a lot of nail polish colors to wear in summer, but which ones stand out? Unsurprisingly, the best nail polish colors of the summer are the ones that pop out! And nowadays, we have a choice! From blue nails to French manicure or colored nail art, including all the shades that will bring out your tan.

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  • Can you dye your hair in summer ?
    Can you dye your hair in summer ?

    Did you know that it can be trickier to color your hair when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius? In addition, summer and its particular climatic conditions can be extremely damaging to your hair and sometimes cause some damage. But why? First of all, because the summer heat causes our body to produce more sweat and sebum, which can clog the pores of our scalp and prevent the hair from absorbing the necessary nutrients. 

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  • How to style long hair in summer ?
    How to style long hair in summer ?

    Heat, moisture and perspiration are bad for hair in summer. A humid and moist atmosphere and a burning sun can indeed wreak havoc on your lengths. Your hair is more likely to curl and weaken at this time of year, which means you need to increase the hydration and protection factors in your hair care routine. 

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  • The perfect skin care routine after a day at the beach
    The perfect skin care routine after a day at the beach

    After a day in the sun, it’s essential to take care of your skin. UV rays from the sun can cause dehydration, and even burns if overexposed. These effects on our skin can be damaging and it is essential to care for and comfort your skin after spending the day on sand, spray and salt water. But to do this, you need to redouble your efforts, as your usual skin care routine may leave your skin dry, irritated or red after a day in the sun.

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