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What hair color for what shade of complexion ?


What hair color for what shade of complexion ?

Colorations are numerous on the market and are distinguished by their multitudes of shades, from the most classic to the most eccentric. This great choice can make us want to change hair color. However, it is not easy to make the right choice: one that will be perfectly compatible with our carnation. As Mother Nature is never wrong, we are born with a natural hair color tuned to the tone of our skin. But that tends to change as the years go by. So, which hair color for which shade of complexion? Here’s everything you need to know about it!

How do I set the skin tone?

The hair color, like that of the complexion, can be hot or cold. So the problem when you want to change hair color is not the coloring itself, but rather the tone of the skin. In the cold shades, we find shades of blue, pink or red while it is the undertones of yellow, peach or gold that we find in the warm shades.

Ruby colour with light tint

To define the tone of your skin, it’s easy: look at the color of the veins on the back of your wrist. If they are predominantly blue or purple, you have a rather cold carnation. If, conversely, your veins are rather yellow or green, then your complexion has warm tones. In terms of colour, you can opt for a colour that contrasts with that of the complexion, or one that respects its nuances to the letter. Depending on the different scenarios, you can do this:

Light Complexion/Cold Tones

With a light, cold-toned complexion, it’s best to wear a light hair color. If your skin is pale, you can easily opt for cold or soft blonds, such as platinum or fleece. On the other hand, golden or copper blonds will be too hot for your skin tone and may appear unnatural.

Whether you have blue, green or brown eyes, it doesn’t matter! These colors will fit you perfectly. If you don’t like blond hair and you prefer a more pronounced hue, we recommend purple red, ruby, black crow or glazed brown.

Light complexion/warm tones

If you have a light tone with warm tones, choose the colors that will enhance this warmth for more sensuality. The choice is vast: copper red, raspberry pink, caramel brown, red or golden blond will sublimate you to perfection.

These colors will allow you to enhance your clear complexion by giving it a glowing appearance. When it comes to shades to avoid, be careful of dark blues or violins and blacks that tend to contrast too much with your light skin.

Neutral Tone/Cold Tones

A cold tone neutral complexion can afford many things from a hair perspective. But we must avoid drastic cuts by falling into extremes. Brunettes will have to choose a shade that is close to their natural colour (all variants of brown from lighter to darker).

Shades of warm blond

Blondes can also opt for shades close to their own by focusing on colors such as wheat, sand or beige. Finally, redheads can opt for moderate auburn or cinnamon colours to enhance their complexion.

Neutral tone/warm tones

Warm-toned neutral complexions will be particularly enhanced by a colour halfway between blond and brown. The caramel or golden brown shades will allow you to wear a radiant complexion in all circumstances.

Copper red with gold highlights will add sparkle without taking over your natural skin tone. Watch out for colder blondes that tend to fade and even age you.

Olive complexion/cold tones

When you have a cold-toned olive complexion, it’s safer to stay in the brown colour range. But nothing prevents you from adding a few different keys to mark your style. For example, a dark natural colour can be embellished with lighter shades (caramel or honey).

Fall colours such as brown-red, chestnut or cinnamon will also have a beautiful effect. If you’re a fan of dark tones, opt for a shimmering mocha that will blend the pink tones of your skin while giving it softness and radiance.

Olive complexion/warm tones

Jennifer Lopez is a perfect example of these people with olive complexions and warm tones. They will be particularly highlighted by a golden blond or slightly caramel. For an intense colour, opt for ebony, mocha brown or purple red.

For a touch of originality, we recommend black-violet rather than black-bluish. If you’re a natural blonde, think of the warm tones of honey.

Dark Complexion/Cold Tones

For a dark, cold-toned complexion, there’s nothing more captivating than a beautiful jet black. The skin naturally captures light, which accentuates contrasts and shades of the complexion.

Bright red colour

Blue-black and dark purple will also be perfect for a very sophisticated side. However, be sure to stay in cold undertones (brown, blue, etc.).

Dark complexion/warm tone

Finally, a dark complexion with warm tones, such as that of Beyoncé, is very easy to highlight by playing with color. The blond should stay warm, in caramel shades. The chestnut can be highlighted by a beautiful mahogany.

Warm blacks will warm your complexion and darken your hair without a false note. Blue-red will be preferred over orange shades to perfectly balance the undertones of your skin.

Now you know how to determine the tone of your skin and which hair color to choose for which shade. For personalized advice, don’t hesitate to ask your usual hair stylist for advice.

Posted in: Tout Savoir, Info Teint