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Posted in : "2021 - July"

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  • Differences between natural, organic and vegan cosmetics
    Differences between natural, organic and vegan cosmetics

    For a few years now, we have been witnessing a real collective awareness of consumers around the world. These new requirements go in the direction of nature and we now want to eat healthier, dress in an eco-responsible way and apply products that respect our skin, but also the environment. For this, natural, organic and vegan cosmetics flourish on the market and it is not always easy to navigate.

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  • How to choose your eye shadow well ?
    How to choose your eye shadow well ?

    Eye shadow is a must for makeup. Available in many versions, we like to play with colors and textures. Easy to apply, whether you are a novice or a makeup expert, the use of an eyeshadow must comply with certain criteria to perfectly sublimate the look. If you have trouble finding your way around the market’s huge offer, the different colors, textures and components, this article is for you.

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  • What hair color for what shade of complexion ?
    What hair color for what shade of complexion ?

    Colorations are numerous on the market and are distinguished by their multitudes of shades, from the most classic to the most eccentric. This great choice can make us want to change hair color. However, it is not easy to make the right choice: one that will be perfectly compatible with our carnation.

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  • What trend for her hair in 2021 ?
    What trend for her hair in 2021 ?

    Whether it’s dress style, makeup or hair look, every year has its trends. Even if some haircuts are timeless, there are variations that allow you to always stay at the forefront of fashion. So, if you have a favorite hairstyle, nothing prevents you from taking an interest in what is currently being done.

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  • What lipstick to use when lips are dry ?
    What lipstick to use when lips are dry ?

    In summer and winter, lips are one of the most exposed parts of the face to external aggressions. The sun, the water, the wind, but also the cold, can dry them out and make them painful and unsightly. Vital for the action of nourishment, communication, but also an important vector of charm, the lips must benefit from a very special attention. 

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  • Where to buy makeup ?
    Where to buy makeup ?

    While cosmetic sales continue to grow, the ways in which products are made available to customers are changing. There are today, different distribution channels to buy her makeup. Among the large number of practices, physical or virtual, existing, we wanted to highlight the four main ways to shop beauty.

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  • How do you brighten your complexion without making it shine ?
    How do you brighten your complexion without making it shine ?

    We all agree: what a pleasure to hear that you look good and have a radiant complexion! But here it is: active life, too short nights and external aggressions may tend to give us a blafard and sad air. To limit the damage, know that there are several techniques to have a luminous complexion, whether it is through skin care, diet and lifestyle, or by selecting the right cosmetics. 

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  • How do you enhance your tan with makeup ?
    How do you enhance your tan with makeup ?

    With sunny days, your skin will gradually take on golden colors. We wait for this all year long, because we know that our tanned skin makes us particularly attractive. However, the same cosmetic products will not be used on tanned skin as on skin that is less coloured in winter. It is therefore necessary to change your makeup habits in summer and to know how to sublimate your tan with makeup.

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  • Should I wear makeup to go to the beach ?
    Should I wear makeup to go to the beach ?

    As women, we are all different, but we agree on one thing: we like to feel beautiful. For some, this need goes through makeup, more or less sophisticated. For others, beauty comes from daily skincare gestures and the camouflage of small skin imperfections. In any case, at certain times of the year and particularly during activities, the question of make-up arises.

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  • Tips and Tricks to Reap the Benefits of the Sun
    Tips and Tricks to Reap the Benefits of the Sun

    We have been waiting for it for many months, the sun is finally here for our greatest happiness. We can go out again, lounge on the terrace or go to the beach. Nothing like it to fill up on oxygen and melatonin essential to our well-being. But, the sun can also cause painful lesions on the skin such as sunburns and heat can cause various ailments.

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