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Which eyebrow shape for which face type ?


Which eyebrow shape for which face type ?

Well-groomed, marked eyebrows are the key to a good appearance. Not only do they bring balance and symmetry to your face, but a beautiful eyebrow line adapted to the shape of your face also helps you to enhance your eyes even more. Eyebrows are one of the most striking features of the face and can therefore make or break your look. A well-drawn and harmonious eyebrow accentuates the structure of your face, highlighting its most beautiful features and hiding its defects. Good eyebrow shape can enhance your look and cheekbones while minimizing a large forehead or prominent nose. So, what eyebrow shape for what type of face? All the answers are in this article.

Our tips to help you draw the right eyebrow line

As a non-professional, it can be tricky to understand how to perform the ideal eyebrow trace. Here are our tips for determining the right length and shape for your three-point face:

  • Start with an eyebrow pencil and place it vertically from the nose wing to the inner corner of the eye. That’s your first point.
  • The second point is used to find the eyebrow arc. Always starting from the nose wing, position the pencil in the middle of the eye with your eyes straight.
  • Finally, the third point will help you understand where the ideal eyebrow tail is. To do this, start one last time from the nose wing and move the pencil to the outer corner of the eye.

An eyebrow shape adapted to its morphology

These three stitches allow you, when connected, to have the right eyebrow shape for your face. It is then enough to fill the gaps with a powder of a gel or an eyebrow brush. Be careful not to choose a product that is too dark to keep as much natural as possible in your eyebrow makeup.

Know your face shape

There are many eyebrow shapes (thick or thin, rounded, arched or straight). To find out which one is right for you, just look in the mirror and study the shape of your face. Here are the different options available:

Round Face

A round face is generally wider in the forehead and cheeks, with a narrower jaw. The goal of creating an eyebrow shape for a round face is to make the face look longer and thinner. To do this, create a straight, horizontal eyebrow that protrudes from the outer corner of your eye. You can also try a stretching eyebrow shape that rises to the temples.

Natural eyebrows triangular face

Diamond or triangular face

Diamond-shaped faces are wider at the forehead and narrower at the jaw. The goal of creating an eyebrow shape for a diamond-shaped face is to make the face look more rounded. Create a subtle rounded arch and leave some material: the eyebrows must be provided enough for this face shape. However, avoid straight eyebrows at all costs.

Rectangular or square face

A rectangular face is longer than wide and is usually balanced by a strong jaw. The goal of creating an eyebrow shape for a rectangular face is to soften the overall appearance and create balance. Then opt for a rounded or slightly arched eyebrow shape to bring softness to your features.

Heart-shaped long face

A heart-shaped face has a wider forehead, a smaller chin and a narrower jaw. The goal of creating an eyebrow shape for a heart-shaped face is to minimize the width of the forehead and draw attention to the eyes. Create a slightly curved and arched eyebrow that extends slightly beyond the outer corner of your eye. You can also try a straight, thick or slightly arched eyebrow shape.

Oval Face

This is the face shape with which you have the most options available, whether in terms of hairstyle or eyebrow shape. An oval face is soft by definition and everything must be done to preserve this aspect. For this, nothing is better than a fine eyebrow, quite natural and well drawn. Too thick eyebrows could harden facial features and accentuate a lack of symmetry.

Different eyebrows for different faces

What does fashion say?

Currently, and for a few years now, the trend is towards thick and thick eyebrows. After being very fine in the 2000s, our eyebrow lines tend towards the natural. Unfortunately, hair that has been waxed for many years sometimes finds it difficult to regain its place and there are very unsightly holes. So, is it absolutely necessary to follow fashion and try by all means to rebuild a well-stocked eyebrow line?

The answer is no. Indeed, thick eyebrows are not suitable for all women and work especially on those with angular and square faces. They can also sublimate a round face by following certain rules. However, you should avoid wearing too thick eyebrows if you have a small forehead. You will have understood: there is no point in defying the nature of your face to follow fashion. The ideal is to adapt the shape of your eyebrows to your natural line as we saw earlier.

You now know which eyebrow shape to use for which face type. Eyebrows are an important part of your face, and they play heavily on the expression of your beauty. Before you start making up your eyebrows, you need to determine the shape that best suits your face. If you want to change the original shape of your eyebrows, we advise you to make an appointment with a professional of aesthetics and beauty who can advise you and present innovative techniques of eyebrow makeup.