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What colour should you choose when you have a pale complexion ?


What colour should you choose when you have a pale complexion ?

Each of us knows this: to choose our colour well, we must rely on our natural predispositions. By this, we want to talk about the natural color of her hair, those of her eyes, but above all, the tone of the skin. If you are one of those people with light skin, you should know: you must at all costs avoid too dark shades that could quickly give you a style that does not resemble you. But are all the other shades suitable for light complexions? What colour should you choose when you have a light complexion? You will learn all about it by reading our article.

What dye for white skin?

When one has white skin, it is, contrary to popular belief, recommended not to choose a dye of a tone close to that of your hair in the natural. This would not create any relief or contrast between your complexion and your hair. Your face would then appear bland and faint. However, it is also not advisable to create too strong a contrast that might surprise or even shock. The perfect choice would then be to bet on a bright color that would bring just enough contrast to sublimate your face while remaining natural.

Hair color for light complexion

Choose colour based on eye colour

Of course, the colour of your eyes must also be taken into account in choosing your colour. The goal is for your irises to stand out and be enhanced by your new hair color. This choice must be made wisely, because if some shades succeed without problem in enhancing your look, others will have the effect of reducing it which will help to give you a sad and extinguished look.

If you have a light complexion and blue eyes, you should know that the shades of coppery or slightly golden blond will match your complexion and the color of your irises. Your pale complexion will be brightened. Be careful not to fall on a too yellow violin or blond that will tend to give the opposite effect.

A pale skin adorned with beautiful green eyes will be enhanced by a colour with golden or copper reflections. On the other hand, you should avoid the ash stains that would make you look grey and harm the beauty of your eyes.

Finally, if you have pale skin and brown or black eyes, use warm hues (gold, copper or red) to support your mysterious beauty. As with green eyes, avoid grey, too cold shades and browns without reflections that would make your face look bland.

What if your skin is very pale?

There are pale and very pale complexions. The color you choose to enhance a clear skin will not be the same color that will suit you if you have a porcelain complexion. Again, you will have to rely on the colour of your eyes to avoid making a mistake in the choice of colour.

Bright hair dye

If your complexion is very white and your eyes are clear, choose intense colors with warm reflections. Be careful, however, of the shades and derivatives of red that would not suit you. If, on the other hand, your irises are dark and intense, you will have to favor a cold and shiny dye that will highlight your hair as well as your porcelain doll carnation and your brown to black eyes. Don’t choose golden blondes that tend to give you a dull complexion.

Pale Complexion Coloring, Two Options

Of course, there are no specific rules in terms of pale complexion coloring, but the colourists give us some precious indications to succeed in highlighting its natural complexion by coloring its hair. Thus, we are faced with two different options, to choose according to our desires:

1. Highlight its natural colour

As nature is well made, it has usually given you the hair color that goes perfectly with the rest of your natural assets. When you have pale skin, you can choose to sublimate your natural base without drastically changing the color. This means saying thank you to Mother Nature while making some small changes that will make you irresistible. Exit the discoloration or dye the opposite of that of your hair to the natural, and place the tone on tone sweep to the light effect that will give peps and shine to your mane. Otherwise, a caramel or copper glossy stain will prevent dull hair.

Sweep to illuminate a pale complexion

2. Playing with contrasts

However, we sometimes like to change hair color according to trends and seasons. And just because you’re pale doesn’t mean you can’t. To be sure that your dye will perfectly enhance your complexion, it is ideal to bet on a color with undertones opposed to those of your complexion. Playing with contrasts will bring out the natural light of your skin and bring you more freshness.

The undertones of your skin can be pink, golden or somewhat neutral. For the rosé, a golden blond or a brown chestnut will be perfect. For light skin with golden undertones, choose a polar blond or an iced brown. Finally, for a pale complexion with neutral undertones, you have the choice: bring light in winter with warm hues and cold in summer by betting on ash shades.

We hope to have answered the question: Which colour should you choose when you have a pale complexion? If you want to learn more and get dedicated advice, don’t hesitate to ask your hair stylist for a complete assessment.

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