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3 Tips for a successful and trendy manicure


3 Tips for a successful and trendy manicure

In recent months, it has become crucial to know how to do your manicure at home. If nail art tutorials come online, we want to know how to take care of our nails and make our manicure or pedicure last. However, the varnish tends to flake too quickly and give a neglected appearance to our beautiful nails, to our great despair. Rather than discourage yourself and stop varnishing your nails, here are our 3 tips for a successful and trendy manicure.

Take care of your hands and nails

Doing your manicure on a poor basis is unthinkable. Thus, taking care of your hands and nails is the first rule to follow. Hands, like the rest of the body, should be perfectly hydrated, especially in winter. To do this, moisturize them once or twice a day.

Taking care of your nails

Wash your hands regularly with a mild, moisturizing soap, then do the same with the nails ensuring that no impurities are lodged underneath. If necessary, come clean thoroughly with a cotton pad soaked in a soft acetone-free solvent.

Next, perform nail filing to give your nails the shape and size you want. Be aware that it is advisable to file only in one direction by avoiding the back and forth that risk to force, to weaken the keratin present naturally in your nails. Go smooth, with a double-sided file, while staying perfectly parallel with the nails. You can then come and shine your nails with a polisher.

Now feed your cuticles to keep them healthy. For this, treatments exist such as castor oil, sweet almond or apricot kernel. Place a drop on each cuticle and massage until the product has fully penetrated. Never cut these little protective skins, as they are the ones that prevent bacteria and other viruses from sticking under the nails. However, you can repel them if they are too wide by using a stick specifically designed for this action, called cuticle repellent.

Applying the manicure

Once your nails are perfectly clean, level and healthy, you can proceed to the manicure step. To guarantee the long hold of the latter, we advise you to apply a base first. The latter, called base coat, will nourish and strengthen the hardness of your nails. In addition to protecting them from breakage, the base will be ideal to extend the life of your nail makeup, as the nail polish will adhere better than, laid on the bare nail.

A perfect manicure

You can now apply varnish. After choosing the colour, apply a first layer of product and let it dry for about ten minutes. Then, .

Apply a second layer for more hold and a bright color. It is common to pass slightly, but do not fear! By drying, the varnish will retract and your nail will be better covered. This will also allow maximize the duration of your manicure, which can then, according to experts, last up to two more days. However, be careful to preserve the cuticles, as the colour would tend to cling too much to them

Finally, don’t forget to coat your nails with a fixative varnish, or top coat, which will increase the shine, strength and hold of your manicure. In addition, it will give a clear and professional look to your nail beauty. A little tip: you can absolutely, as long as your manicure is clean, apply this fixative every two days to renew its protective effect. This is especially interesting if you are on holiday, because water and sun tend to make nail polish peel faster.

What to do in the event of an incident?

First of all, it is important to know that the product range is vast and that there will necessarily be a product that will meet your needs. I am thinking in particular of the more urgent among us, who would tend not to follow all these steps to the letter because of lack of time. To avoid a flaky manicure in a matter of days, opt for fast-drying products equipped with a brush specially designed for accelerated installation.

If an incident such as a broken nail or a fast-paced manicure occurs despite our advice, don’t panic! We have solutions so you don’t have to start over:

  • I broke a nail, what do I do? Nail breakage is delicate because it can hurt if the nail is broken up to the flesh of the finger. Besides, it won’t be the same size as the others. To start, cut it clean and file so you don’t hang on. You can then file your other nails, if they are not damaged, to make up for the difference in length. If the nail is not completely broken, you can try to glue it back with nail polish glue.

Catching a peeled manicure

  • Chipped nail polish: If your nail polish is a bit chipped in one place, it is not necessary to remove your entire manicure. Try to make a connection by applying a very small amount of nail polish to be diluted gently with the two layers already present on your nail. Do this step by step for a clean and invisible look. All you have to do is let it dry and apply a fixing base again.

Of course, you will not be able to do this if you are in the habit of doing gel, resin, or semi-permanent nail polish manicures, in which case you will have to go to an institute to have your brittle nails repaired by a denture.

We hope you enjoy these 3 tips for a successful and trendy manicure and that you will be able to put them into practice easily to be beautiful to the tip of your nails.