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Take good care of your scalp for more beautiful and stronger hair


Take good care of your scalp for more beautiful and stronger hair

The epidermis of the scalp is particularly fragile and vulnerable. Environmental aggressions, too frequent or too aggressive shampoos or even stress can quickly damage or weaken it. Of course, as for the skin, there are different types of scalps and it is essential to know yours to adopt the right care routine. The products you use and your lifestyle will also have a significant impact on its health and therefore that of your hair, in a closely related way. Take good care of your scalp for more beautiful and stronger hair, this is what we are going to explain to you in this article.

The right frequency for washing your hair

To get you started, it is essential to know that it is important to wash your hair regularly, but not excessively. To know when to wash them, just observe them. The right frequency for washing your hair and the one we recommend is a minimum of once a week if you have a sensitive scalp and twice if your hair tends to get greasy quickly. However, you can always vary your pace according to your needs (if you exercise more, for example).

A healthy scalp

Protect the fragile skin of the scalp

The skin of the scalp is particularly fragile. It contains fewer collagen and keratin fibers than the rest of the skin. Care for the scalp is therefore different from that used on other epidermal areas. We advise you to favor natural and organic products to not aggravate the fragility of your scalp.

To fight against dandruff, we advise you to apply a mild anti-dandruff shampoo, composed of green tea, mint and rosemary. If your scalp is dry, you can help it by using a moisturizing shampoo based on natural oil (chamomile, argan, olive, almond) or cream (coconut, shea). If, on the other hand, the latter produces more sebum than necessary, it will be necessary to purify the area using cleansing products based on mustard, lemon, verbena or eucalyptus known for their freshness and purity.

Use the right shampoos, conditioners and masks

As we have seen previously, it is important to choose the right shampoo according to your type of scalp and your needs. Between two shampoos and in order not to further sensitize your scalp, we advise you to use a dry shampoo. If you have frequently tangled or damaged hair, it is recommended to use a conditioner after washing.

Hair full of life!

It is important to choose it well: it must be adapted to your hair type. Once a week, you can also use a mask to hydrate and nourish your hair mass and restore its the shine. You can choose between a mask with a nourishing, soothing or antioxidant effect. If you have very dry hair, you can use a mask to leave on all night under a charlotte (to be distributed only on the lengths and ends).

Protect your scalp with essential oils

There is nothing like natural products to restore health, beauty and strength to our hair. This is why we advise you to use essential oils such as geranium, green tea, orange, mint and lemongrass to protect your scalp. They can be effective against dandruff and take care of sensitive skin. We advise you to apply them on your scalp before your shampoo.

Massage so that the active ingredients penetrate the thick skin of the scalp and leave on for a few minutes before shampooing. The essential oil can also be used as a care after washing. For this, it is best to buy them in spray form and spray a few touches all over the hairstill damp.

Have a good diet and a healthy lifestyle

It is recognized that the scalp is a particularly sensitive area, as it is subject to internal and external aggressions (wind, cold, heat, swimming, hairstyles, coloring or hair dryers). We therefore advise you to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes a good diet and the practice of regular physical activity to give him the strength to defend himself. We advise you to favor foods rich in nutrients such as vegetables, fruits or eggs.

Cared for scalp: shiny hair

The latter are particularly rich in vitamin B, iron and zinc. You can also eat foods high in oleic acid such as olives, oats, wheat, sunflower, sesame or flax seeds. Finally, we advise you to adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to fight against excess sebum production. Sport is a great way to improve your health and mental balance. It is also an excellent way to maintain your scalp and more generally your skin.

Short summary of good practices

Here is a little summary to take good care of your scalp for more beautiful and stronger hair:

You have an irritated and sensitized skull:

  1. We space the shampoos
  2. We detangle gently, head down, with a flexible brush;
  3. You dry your hair cold;
  4. We avoid discolorations for a while.

Your hair is falling out:

  1. Scrutinize your diet and rebalance it by adding whole grains and proteins;
  2. We opt for food supplements based on spirulina;
  3. Treat yourself to a treatment under LED helmet at your hairdresser to stop hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

Your scalp feels tight:

  1. Change your shampoo to favor very gentle formulas and rinse your hair with lukewarm water;
  2. We use vegetable oil spray to spray on the scalp.

Do not hesitate to seek advice from your hairdresser or a doctor if your hair problems become too serious.

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