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Pamper your feet before summer !


Pamper your feet before summer !

Summer is fast approaching, and with it comes the time to break out our favorite open shoes and sandals. But to be comfortable in this type of shoe, it is important to pamper your feet before summer. Indeed, many problems can arise if you do not take care of your feet, such as blisters, calluses, cracks, ingrown toenails, etc. In addition to making them particularly unsightly, this can lead to more extensive damage that could interfere with your daily activities. In this article we will give you some tips to take care of your feet before summer and avoid these problems.

Moisturize your feet

The first step to pampering your feet before summer is to moisturize them. Indeed, the skin of our feet is often drier than that of the rest of our body, and it needs to be hydrated regularly to remain supple and soft. For this, you can use a moisturizing foot cream, which you apply by gently massaging your feet.

Beautiful nails before summer

You can also use olive oil, coconut oil or sweet almond oil to hydrate your feet. Proceed by performing light massages to penetrate the cream while relieving tension. Finally, you can rub the bottom of your feet with a little essential oil of lavandin which allows optimal relaxation and makes it easier to fall asleep.

Exfoliate your feet

Another important step to pamper your feet before summer is to exfoliate them regularly. Indeed, exfoliation helps to remove dead skin and smooth the skin of your feet. For this, you can use a foot scrub or a pumice stone. Be careful not to rub your feet too much to avoid irritating the skin. We advise you to exfoliate your feet twice a month and use the grater occasionally so as not to damage your feet.

Taking care of your nails

As with your hands, it is also important to take care of your toenails before summer. You need to trim your nails regularly and file the edges so they don't ingrown. Use nail clippers suited to the shape of your nails to avoid cutting them too short or uneven, which could cause injury or discomfort.

Once your nails are clean and well trimmed, it is essential to use a tonic. These products come in the form of nail polish and will help you nourish and keep your toenails healthy. Once these steps have been completed, you can varnish your nails in the color you want! However, choose a natural product that will not harm their health.

Take care of your feet

Wear comfortable shoes

To avoid foot problems, it is important to wear comfortable shoes. Avoid wearing shoes that hurt your feet or that don't fit your body type. Wear shoes that are the right size, support your feet, and don't chafe.

If you must wear heels, opt for moderate height heels and avoid wearing them every day. You can also invest in a pair of gel protectors that will make heel wear more comfortable. Beware of flip-flops: if they are very practical in summer, they are not only good for your feet. Alternate with a pair of shoes that hold the foot well.

Do foot baths

Foot baths are also a great way to pamper your feet before summer. These treatments, which can be performed at home or in an institute, help to relax the muscles of your feet and relieve them of pain. In addition, they turn out to be very pleasant.

To make a foot bath, fill a basin with lukewarm water and add a few drops of lavender essential oil or sweet almond oil. Soak your feet in the water for 15-20 minutes, then dry them well.

There are also devices specially designed to take care of your feet like in a beauty centre. Generally quite accessible, they come in the form of a tub to be filled with hot water and include several accessories (polishers, brushes, graters) and features (light therapy, various intensities of bubbles or vibrations).

How to avoid blisters?

Blisters can be very painful and ruin your summer days. To avoid blisters, you can wear cotton socks that absorb perspiration and prevent chafing. You can also use foot powder to absorb moisture.

Beautiful and healthy feet!

If you wear new shoes, wear them gradually and avoid wearing them for long periods of time. To protect a blister, opt for a gel-padded dressing that will cushion shocks and avoid pain between the injured area and the inside of your shoe.

Treating foot problems

If you have foot problems, such as calluses, cracks, warts or ingrown toenails, it is important to treat them before summer. You can see a podiatrist or dermatologist to help you deal with these issues. Do not leave these problems untreated, as they can get worse and cause pain or infection.

By following these simple tips, you can pamper your feet before summer and avoid foot problems. Moisturize your feet, exfoliate them regularly, take care of your nails, wear comfortable shoes, bathe your feet, prevent blisters, and treat existing foot problems. But, don't forget to sublimate them either! Bright colors are very fashionable in this year 2023 and always very popular as summer approaches! By taking care of your feet, you can enjoy the summer without pain or discomfort.