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How to avoid tight skin in winter ?


How to avoid tight skin in winter ?

Winter is here, and with it, changes in the weather and in our skin. Cold, dry air can make our skin feel tight and dry, leading to itching and discomfort. Fortunately, there are some simple skin care tips that can help us avoid tight skin in winter. By using the right moisturizers, and taking a few precautions, we can keep our skin comfortable, soft and hydrated all winter long. Here are our tips.

Understanding the effects of winter cold on the skin

The cold keeps your skin tight and dry, making it more uncomfortable and itchy. This is a natural consequence of low temperatures. Moreover, if you are not sufficiently covered, you risk developing a condition called “frostbite”. Frostbite is more serious and can damage tissue, especially when exposed to wind or extreme cold for a long time. If frostbite occurs, the affected area may turn purple or red and become painfully swollen.

Treat your skin against the cold

Keeping your face and your body warm is the best way to avoid the discomfort of 'winter. But sometimes this is not enough and you feel an unpleasant sensation of dry skin which is flaking and tight. A good moisturizer and a few precautions to follow are essential to feel good in winter and summer.

The importance of hydration in winter

In winter, the skin is dry and tight, because the air is colder than our body, and therefore it is less hydrated. When your skin is dry, the surface cells come into contact with each other, and this causes you to lose moisture. If moisture loss is too great, the skin can become hot, red and swollen. It is important to hydrate your dry skin in winter, especially if you find that your epidermis is particularly dry.

There are many options for doing this, including oils, serums, lotions and creams, which can help keep your skin hydrated and reduce the risk of discomfort. Use a moisturizer formulated for dry and sensitive skin. Also make sure to hydrate before bed for prolonged action during the night. Proper hydration of your skin in winter also helps reduce the risk of eczema and psoriasis.

Cover up well in winter

Avoid hot water

Hot water can further dry out your skin, so stick to lukewarm water when showering. This advice may seem difficult to implement in winter when you really want a hot shower. However, by lowering the temperature of our showers by a few degrees, we can help reduce the risk of dryness and skin irritation. If you have trouble getting into the habit of using lukewarm water, try lowering the temperature gradually.

Exfoliate the skin to remove dead cells

When your skin is dry, dead cells begin to build up on the surface. By exfoliating the skin with a natural scrub, you can helpremove dead cells and maintain smoother skin. There are many types of exfoliants, based on salt, sugar or apricot kernels for example, that can help remove the buildup of dead cells. While it is important to exfoliate the skin to get rid of the buildup of dry cells, you should not scrub too hard as this can cause redness and irritation. Use a gentle but effective scrub and moisturize your skin after treatment.

Cover yourself well when going out in cold weather

During the winter months, it is especially important to cover up when going out in cold weather. By exposing your skin to the air when it is cold, you risk having dry skin and chapped lips. Wear a sweater, scarf or coat to cover your skin and keep it warm. You should also wear gloves and a hat to protect the scalp which is also sensitive to the cold, especially when the wind blows.

Eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water

It is important to eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated during the winter months. Your skin may be drier than usual during the winter because it loses more water than usual. It is therefore important to hydrate it from the inside. To do this, favor vitamins and foods containing good fats such as avocado or certain fish. Eat enough starchy foods to withstand subzero temperatures. Finally, rely on hot drinks (like green tea) to warm up and hydrate yourself.

Beautiful skin even in winter

Consult a dermatologist for professional advice

If your skin seems to be drier and more sensitive than usual, it is important to consult your dermatologist. Dry skin is often a symptom of a skin disorder, so it's important to get it checked out to rule out any underlying problems. While you can use these simple winter skin care tips to keep your skin smooth and hydrated during the winter, it's important to avoid using products that are too harsh.

If your skin is dry and you notice that it is becoming more and more sensitive, it is a good idea to speak to a skin professional. Be sure to stock up on moisturizers, lip balms, and sunscreens during the winter months. These products can help effectively hydrate skin when it is particularly dry, protect it from the harmful effects of cold and sun, and keep it looking its best throughout the winter.

You now know how to avoid tight skin in winter. Also pay attention to heating. While it is essential to be warm at home, a temperature that is too high can further sensitize your skin and make it dry and uncomfortable. It’s up to you to adopt actions that make you feel good.

Posted in: Tout Savoir, Info Teint