Platypus Flossers for Use with Braces, to Keep Teeth and Gums Clean and Healthy, Suitable for On the Go, 30 Flossers x 3
25,99 € TTC
Platypus dental flossers for braces are a popular choice to help keep gums and teeth healthy during your orthodontic treatment.
The Platypus Orthodintic flosser is easy to use, meaning even younger children can floss.
SAFE! The patented structure of the Platypus orthoflosser uses the tooth’s anatomy to floss correctly, eliminating worry of damaging wires and brackets while flossing.
QUICK! No more threading. The spatula end of this flosser for braces simply fits under your arch wire so you can floss like normal in between brackets. Great for on-the-go and after meals.
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