VONGAZ Poupée Russe Poupées Gigogne Poupee Russes Nesting Dolls Set 10 pcs,Nesting Doll in Russia Traditional Clothes,Wooden

VONGAZ Poupée Russe Poupées Gigogne Poupee Russes Nesting Dolls Set 10 pcs,Nesting Doll in Russia Traditional Clothes,Wooden

46,51 € TTC
rating Aucun avis pour le moment

Origin: Nesting dolls originated from China during the Song Dynasty. Chinese craftsmen started with nesting boxes, which gradually evolved into nesting dolls. The concept made its way from China to Japan who made nesting dolls representative of their Seven Lucky Gods. It wasn't until the 19th century that the nesting dolls came to Europe by way of merchants from the East. The dolls were received open-heartedly in Europe and have since been spun into a symbol of folk art and tradition.

Les poupées gigognes peuvent être ouvertes pour stocker de petits objets, qui peuvent être utilisés pour stocker des bijoux, des articles divers, des bonbons, etc. Les enfants peuvent l'allumer et l'éteindre eux-mêmes. Excellent choix de cadeaux pour un anniversaire, Noël, etc.


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